Saturday, August 1, 2009

He Is Legend - "It Hates You" (2009)

Artist: He Is Legend
Label: Tragic Hero Records
Album Type: Hard Alternative Rock
Released: July 21, 2009

The Orb's Take:
Solid album all the way through. Worth your time, money, and the repeat option on your Ipod.

Album Review:
It is always great when a band comes out and gives you an album that you were not expecting to be one of the best albums of 2009. "He Is Legend" gives us just that and more with "It Hates You" - their 4th studio album. This is their first album on "Tragic Hero Records" a label out of North Carolina, they used to be on "Solid State / Tooth and Nail" records. This is a solid 12 song album that is mixed incredibly well - the drums and guitars hit hard making you want to crank up your car stereo or Ipod to the next level. The vocals cut through and complement the hard hitting tracks which is very refreshing with the lack of good albums today. The whole album is extremely catchy, with great consistent writing, and with hard very hard grinding guitars (listen to "Thats Nasty"). I can't say anything bad about this album, pick it up, buy it, and enjoy.

What to Listen to: "Thats Nasty", "Dicephalous", "Decisions Decisions Decisions"

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Dead Poetic

He is Legend My Space Page
Tragic Hero Records Website

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