Monday, August 10, 2009

Public Enemies (2009)

Director: Michael Mann
Release Date: July 1, 2009
Genre: Crime / Drama
MPAA: Rated R

The ORB's take:
Wait for the DVD, I had higher expectations, even if it was based on a true story.

Movie Review:
My first thought when I watched this movie was that it seemed to move to slow. There were the occasional bank heist and shoot outs, but it seemed like those scenes were not the focus of the film, it was the "attempted" development of the Johnny Depp's character ("John Dillinger") so that by the end of the movie you feel for bad for him. The movie is designed to make you believe that "Dillinger" is doing the right thing by robbing banks and killing people that get in his way. The best part of this movie is when he gets caught, wondering how he is going to escape. The other big part in this flick is the love story it also attempts to develop (it never goes deep enough into Johnny Depp's character for the audience to appreciate it). Bottom line, good actors, skimpy script, could have been better, but you still should rent it when the DVD comes out - but you've been warned that it is nothing spectacular.

What to Watch For: John Dillinger's tyrants

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Official Public Enemies (2009) Site

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