Thursday, July 30, 2009

Land of the Lost (2009)

Director: Brad Silberling
Release Date: June 5, 2009
Genre: Adventure / Comedy
MPAA: Rated PG-13

The ORB's take:
You'll laugh, just not a lot.

Movie Review:
I will have to say that I have never seen any of the old television episodes
but I don't think that would have helped - it might have made things worst (I viewed some clips on YouTube and they were bad). For a Will Ferrell movie I expected to laugh a lot more than I did, and the times that I did laugh it usually was not because of Will Ferrell. The adventure was fun, and the monkey "Chaka" was stupidly funny, but I found the flm at times very boring. The movie took a horrible turn when the aliens showed up and they looked like something out of a low budget alien horror flick. Danny McBride ("Eastbound and Down", "Tropic Thunder") was the best part about this movie, he is hilarious and stupid, but in a way that will make you laugh. Will Ferrell showed us with this movie that he is starting to take the path that Adam Sandler did with his movies - the first couple of films make you laugh and are enjoyable, but after that they seem to repeat themselves, and are just not as funny. Wait for this one until HBO, or ABC airs it, not quite worth it to waste your money on a DVD rental.

What to Watch For: Danny McBride stealing the show from Will Ferrell in this movie.

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Official Land of the Lost (2009) Site

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