Monday, August 17, 2009

District 9 (2009)

Director: Neil Blomkamp
Release Date: August 14, 2009
Genre: Action / Drama / Sci-Fi
MPAA: Rated R
Sony Pictures

The ORB's take:
Completely refreshing script, different, exciting; when is District 10 coming out.....?

Movie Review:
When I first saw the trailer for this movie back in early spring, I honestly thought it did not look exciting nor very entertaining. But I am very thankful that I was wrong, WOW this movie was a surprise that lived up to the hype. For only the last couple of weeks have they started to push the trailer on television and start the anticipation that this was a really good must see movie. Even from the trailers it is hard to determine exactly what this flick is really about, which adds to the freshness this movie brings the first time you watch it. I will not give anything away, or much of the background of the movie. When the movie starts out it will remind you of how "Cloverfield" was shot, but a lot more professionally done, so for you that got sick watching "Cloverfield" you will be fine in this one and it is not done that way the entire flick. It takes on sort of a documentary feeling at first, describing the aliens, when they came down, how they came down, how we came in contact with them, how District 9 was formed, and what District 9 has become. The story is intriguing so you don't mind the information and the introduction to District 9. After that, the action / thriller part begins and does not end until the credits start rolling. I have read some reviews that people were saying the ending is sad, and I would have to disagree, I think it is brilliant and makes you want more. The way the aliens were depicted is another great part of this film, it showed a different type of alien that you might be used to seeing on most other alien/sci-fi films. My recommendation is to go see the movie if you like these type of films. My warning: it is rated R for the violence/gore and language. It is worth your money, even if you see it at full price at an evening showing and that is rare.

What to Watch For: Alien weaponry, The Mech Robot

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Official District 9 (2009) Site

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