Monday, July 6, 2009

Year One (2009)

Director: Harold Ramis
Release Date: June 19, 2009
Genre: Comedy / Adventure
MPAA: Rated PG-13
Sony Pictures

The ORB's take:
Funny at times, what you see in the trailer are the great laughs.

Movie Review:
When I saw this movie I expected to have already seen most of all the funny parts in the thousands of previews that were shown on t.v. - so I was not disappointed. Michael Cera's dry humor is what makes this movie funny. Jack Black is his usual goofy self, sometimes annoying, sometimes over-the-top, sometimes funny, but solid actor. The only problem that I had with this film was I felt that they were really going out of their way to poke fun of and mock biblical history. If you are religious you will cringe when you see the Cain and Abel scene, as well as the Abraham and Issac scene, I felt that they could have approached some of these topics in a different way that may not have been so offensive. With that aside the movie will produce some laughs, but I would wait for the DVD or even HBO - or catch it at a drive-in where you can see it for a two for one special.

What to Watch For: The Palace scene, Micheal Cera's humor.

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School Of Rock

Official Year One (2009) Site

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