Wednesday, July 8, 2009

The Taking Of Pelham (2009)

Director: Tony Scott
Release Date: May 22, 2009
Genre: Crime / Drama
MPAA: Rated R
Columbia Pictures

The ORB's take:
Two great actors = a decent flick - even for a re-make.

Movie Review:
This is a remake from the 19
74 original film, with a couple of new spins and concepts thrown in. A great cast of actors including "Denzel Washington", "John Travolta", "John Turturro", and "James Gandolfini" makes this movie a must rent when it comes out on DVD. Washington provides a typical great performance like he usually does in most of his films, but Travolta seems to go over-the-top at times in this movie. He is his typical actor self (like in the films "Face Off" & "Swordfish") but when he gets crazy and starts to ramble it seems to get comical at times - I found myself telling him to chill because it didn't fit the part. With that being said the movie, storyline, and great cast of actors make it worth your time. I don't want to reveal any of the twists in this plot, so I will stop here.

What to Watch For: Two actors battle it out on the screen, which creates a great finally

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Official The Taking Of Pelham 123 (2009) Site

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