Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Zombieland (2009)

Director: Ruben Fleishcher
Release Date: October 2, 2009
Genre: Action / Comedy / Horror

MPAA: Rated R
Sony Pictures

The ORB's take: Woody Harrelson is hilarious and Jesse Eisenburg makes this movie.

Movie Review:
This movie really doesn't have much of an elaborate, never-seen-before plot: See Zombies! - Run from Zombies! - Kill Zombies!, but that doesn't mean that this movie is not a must see. "Zombieland" is very entertaining, combining comedy, adventure, and some horror-gore. There is one thing that sets this movie apart from some of its others in this genre - throughout the flick
"Eisenburg's" character (Columbus) keeps relaying "Zombie Rules" that he lives by that keep him alive - these rules are very amusing and portrayed throughout the film. "Woody Harrelson" gives a great performance with his ruthless zombie-killing character (Tallahassee) who is always looking for a twinkie to eat but can never find one. There are only four main human characters throughout the entire movie and each are named after the destination they are headed for (each one thinks that the location they are headed is not infected by zombie disease). This movie is well done - very funny, entertaining, not too long, not too in-depth - the kind of movie you feel like you got your money's worth when you leave the theater. Enjoy!

What to Watch For: Fasten your seat belts, Twinkies, Bill Murray, and Zombies.

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Official Zombieland (2009) Site

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