Tuesday, October 13, 2009

AFI "Crash Love" (2009)

Artist: AFI
Label: Interscope
Album Type: Alternative Rock
Released: September 29, 2009

The Orb's Take:
Solid album all the way through, worth a listen.

Album Review:
This is AFI's seventh studio album over eighteen years of being a band. They have consistently released a new album every three years, and they put together a solid one with "Crash Love". Solid vocals, and a good mix gives us hooky lyrics with rocking guitars. Catchy choruses makes this an album worth listening to and it will have you humming them in your head. AFi has a distinct vocal sound that sets them apart from other bands. AFI would be considered as more of an "underground band" - this is a band that you will not be hearing on your local radio station getting steady air-play. Again, worth your time to check it out.

What to Listen to: "Medicate", "Torch Song", "It Was Mine"

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Official AFI website
AFI MySpace Page

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