Sunday, October 25, 2009

G.I. Joe (2009)

Director: Stephen Sommers
Release Date: August 7, 2009
Genre: Action / Adventure

MPAA: Rated PG-13
Paramount Pictures

The ORB's take: Nothing at all like the cartoon, just using the name to make a buck.

Movie Review:
I might be correct in saying that most of you out there probably have not seen this movie. And if this is true you may want to keep it that way, you might feel like you wasted a couple hours of your life that you want back immediately. Some of you that wanted to see this movie because as a kid you grew up watching the cartoon, and were hoping for an interesting / cool / great live depiction of what you loved as a kid. - But what you will get is you asking yourself "what is going on?" and "where did they get this from the cartoon?".
The cast is pretty bad, and the script is worse. At times I had to remind myself that I am watching "G.I. Joe" and not "Power Rangers" - yes it was that bad. There is some action, and some of it is "watchable" and when I say "watchable", I mean you might want to wait for the DVD and have this film on in the background while you are doing something else somewhat productive so you don't get angry after it is over. What is actually wrong with them movie? - the cast, the acting, the script, and the idea - add that all up and you should not have made this film. This film was delayed from coming out in the spring because the test audiences didn't like it very well - I would have hated to seen the movie before they fixed it - or maybe they didn't!?! Wait for TNT to run this one and lower your expectations so you can get through the whole movie.

What to Watch For: Weapons, bad acting.

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Official G.I. Joe (2009) Site

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