Wednesday, May 6, 2009

JCVD (2009) DVD

Director: Mabrouk El Mechri
Release Date: April 28, 2009
Genre: Crime / Drama / Comedy
MPAA: Rated R
Peace Arch Home Entertainment

The ORB's take:
A new role for an old action star.

Movie Review:
Yes, you are reading this correctly, JCVD does stand for Jean Claude Van Damme. This is a movie that was filmed in French with English subtitles, but the DVD does have an English version that is dubbed over. Warning, it does make it a little bit cheesy, but it is better than reading the entire movie (and you have to get passed the fact that JCVD does not do his own English voice over). Putting that aside this movie is not all that bad for a DVD rental and watching an old action star talk and make satire remarks about his Hollywood career. In JVCD, Van Damme plays himself, a Hollywood actor in a downward spiral of realizing his career is coming to an end. His ex-wife is filing for full custody for their daughter and he has no money. While trying to get some money from a bank he walks right into the middle of a robbery and then gets mistaken for the one robbing the bank. Throughout the movie he has to use his skills that he has acquired through his acting career to get him and the hostages out safely. I would categorize this film as an artistic drama with a small bit of action and some comedy thrown in here and there. If you grew up watching some JCVD you won't be disappointed in this rental.

What to Watch For: The pure dialog, it is believed that he was told to improve a lot of the scenes.

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Official JCVD Site

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