Tuesday, May 26, 2009

X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009)

Director: Gavin Hood
Release Date: May 1, 2009
Genre: Action / Adventure / Sci-Fi
MPAA: Rated PG-13
20th Century Fox

The ORB's take:
The best X-Men movie to date, if the other X-men movie's were an 7 out of 10 - this is a 12!

Movie Review:
Compared to this year's biggest summer blockbusters, "Star Trek, Terminator Salvation", this movie is the summer's best so far. There is non-stop action, great story line, great characters, and very cool special effects; which makes this movie an entertaining, satisfying watch. This movie does a great job of explaining how Wolverine becomes the character we have seen in the previous "X-Men" movies. The movie is put together so well that the other X-Men characters that they introduce in this film makes you want more than just Wolverine (they are in talks of a Deadpool / Wade Wilson movie set for 2012). It explains its story-line while giving you a ton of action and special effects, so the story does not get boring, or drag on, it is entertaining. I have heard that true "X-Men" comic book fans will probably be disappointed because it somehow does not stay completely true to the comic, but I am not a comic book nerd - so it was a great, great, summer blockbuster film. If you haven't seen this one yet, take the time, it is well worth it.

What to Watch For: Fight scenes, Agent Zero, Gambit, and great special effects.

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Official X-Men Origins Wolverine (2009) Site

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