Saturday, June 20, 2009

Night At The Museum 2 (2009)

Director: Shawn Levy
Release Date: May 22, 2009
Genre: Comedy / Adventure
MPAA: Rated PG
20th Century-Fox

The ORB's take:
Same as the first, watch it with the kids.

Movie Review:
This movie was nothing less than expected, it is just like the first, just in a different location. The movie works if you enjoyed the first installment, "Ben Stiller" and the rest of the cast have good chemistry so the dialog is not awkward, but there are parts in the movie where you will get bored. This is a very kid friendly movie, with very, very, very mild language; if any at all, there is no sex, and there are not really any sexual dialog or references either (I have seen a lot worse on an eight-o-clock sitcom). This film introduces new characters to the "Night Of The Museum" line up such as Stiller's character's side-kick "Amelia Earhart" and a new funny man, "Bill Hader's" (Saturday Night Live) character ("General Custer") as well as, "Owen Wilson" reprising his original role as "Jedediah Smith"
. The story line is simple, "Ben Stiller" finds fame in a business he created so he leaves the Museum, which leads to some of the exhibits getting removed and shipped storage at the Smithsonian. "Ben Stiller" realizes his friends are in trouble and then begins the adventure of him getting them all back home to the Museum they belong in. Not a bad movie, but wait for the DVD, and rent the movie first before you buy it to make sure it is worth a second watch in your household.

What to Watch For: The bobble Einsteins

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Night At The Museum

Official Night At The Museum 2 (2009) Site

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