Thursday, June 18, 2009

Drag Me To Hell (2009)

Director: Sam Raimi
Release Date: May 29, 2009
Genre: Horror / Thriller
MPAA: Rated PG-13
Summit Entertainment

The ORB's take:
Entertaining, surprisingly funny in spots.

Movie Review:
This movie was definitely better than I had anticipated it to be. It reminded me of the movie "Cabin Fever" because of the satire it used along with the horror to make it not just a typical horror flick. Will you jump in your seat watching this movie? Yes. Will you be able to predict when you will jump? Yes. But that is o.k. in this film because it is entertaining. The storyline of this film is nothing complex - girl makes an old woman (who looks possessed) upset because she would not give her an extension on her mortgage, woman then places a curse on her, girl tries many different ways to get rid of it, when that does not work, desperate measures begin to take place to rid herself of the curse. Good cast, good director, and good plot for a horror film. An interesting side note, The "Mac / Apple" guy actually has an Iphone as a cell phone in the movie which they made a very marketable shot of the phone (I wonder if that is a contract thing). Wait for the DVD and enjoy the rental.

What to Watch For: The car fight scene scene

You Might If You Like These:

Cabin Fever
The Ring

Official Drag Me To Hell (2009) Site

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