Saturday, January 23, 2010

Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009)

Director: Wes Anderson
Release Date: November 25, 2009
Genre: Animation / Adventure / Comedy

MPAA: Rated PG
20th Century Fox

The ORB's take: One of the best animated films I have seen in a long time.

Movie Review:
This film is hilarious, entertaining, and a must see. This is a flick that kids will like, but adults will enjoy it a lot more. "George Clooney" provides a perfect voice-over for the main character Mr. Fox. It is based on a children's book that was written in 1970 about a fox that steals chickens, geese, and alcoholic apple cider from three farmers. They get upset and work together and attempt to catch the fox, setting of a chain of events that will make you laugh and want to watch it again and again. The animation is refreshing and well done, as well as the cast of actors and actresses providing the voice-overs. This is a movie that is not only worth seeing in the theater, but a DVD that you will want to own - a movie that you will want a sequel to.

What to Watch For: Mr. Fox, Ash, Kristofferson

You Might If You Like These:

The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou
The Royal Tenenbaums

Official Fantastic Mr. Fox (2009) Site

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