Thursday, November 19, 2009

Switchfoot "Hello Hurricane" (2009)

Artist: Switchfoot
Label: Atlantic
Album Type: Alternative Rock
Released: November 10, 2009

The Orb's Take:
The definition of a ROCK / POP album - gritty / grungy / hooky.

Album Review:
Seven might be "Switchfoot's" lucky number because this album is one of, if not the best album they have released to date. "Hello Hurricane" provides rock, pop, melody, chorus hooks, and remember-able songs. This is the type of band that can convey their live energy through their songs in an album and they do a great job of that in these twelve tracks. It is always a great indicator of a quality band when you hear their music featured on multiple commercials even before the album is released. "Hello Hurricane" will produce a good hand-full of radio singles that will stay on the charts for a healthy amount of time. If you are a fan of "Switchfoot" you will be impressed and want more, if you have only heard of this band on the radio and like this type of music then it is definitely worth the buy.

What to Listen to: "Mess of Me", "Free", "The Sound"

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The Afters

Official Switchfoot website
Switchfoot MySpace Page

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