Thursday, April 30, 2009

Yes Man (2008)

Director: Peyton Reed
Release Date: December 17, 2008
Genre: Comedy / Romance
MPAA: Rated PG-13
Warner Bros.

The ORB's take:
Jim Carrey being Jim Carrey

Movie Review:
Yes, I did watch this film. Yes, I got what I expected. Yes, Jim Carrey is just like he is in most of is other comedies. Yes, I did laugh a few times. Yes, Jim Carrey can pull this type of movie off very well. Yes, if you are annoyed by Carrey you will be in this movie as well. Yes, most of the funny parts you see in the previews are the only funny parts in the movie. Yes, this is in between a DVD rental and a wait for it on t.v. type of movie. Yes, it will entertain you. Yes, the movie starts out with a man always saying no to everything, and a friend invites him to a meeting. Yes, the meeting was a meeting that teaches you how to say YES to everything. Yes, Carrey thinks that he is cursed and he can no longer say NO to anything. Yes, this movie is predictable, but likeable if you are a Carrey fan. Yes, I am done saying yes. No I wouldn't waste my time on this movie watching it a second time.

What to Watch For: Liar Liar with a different title.

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Liar Liar
Bruce Almighty

Official Yes Man Site

Sunday, April 26, 2009

He's Just Not That Into You (2009)

Director: Ken Kwapis
Release Date: February 6, 2009
Genre: Comedy / Drama / Romance
MPAA: Rated PG-13
Warner Bros. (New Line)

The ORB's take:
Should have remained a book and only a book.

Movie Review:
on a line of bestselling books that were featured in an episode of "Sex and the City" with the same title, this should have been an indication of how bad this movie was going to be. The movie provides a notable cast with Drew Barrymore, Jennifer Aniston, Jennifer Connelly, Scarlett Johansson and Ben Affleck, which you would have thought that this movie would have given you at least a couple of laughs or even be a slight bit entertaining, but what you get is just the opposite. Justin Long (that nerd from the Mac vs. PC commercials) stars in this movie as well; to give you an example of how NOT funny this movie was, I was actually hoping that in some point in this film that the "PC Guy" would have jumped out and said some pointless commercial comment to humor me (and we can all agree that the commercial is not funny). This movie could have ran the closing credits after 5 minutes and you would have seen everything there was to see in this flick and would have been happy that you didn't waste 2 hours of your time watching it. I expected more from the director of a successful funny show "The Office" but I received an equivilant to an ABC After School Special. To all you ladies out there wondering if it just because I am a guy that I thought this movie was horrible, the comment "That movie was stupid!" came from my wife seconds after the movie was over and she loves these types of movies. When this comes out on video, rent something you have already seen, before you rent this movie.

What to Watch For: The end credits!

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What Happens In Vegas
27 Dresses

Official He's Just Not That Into You Site

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Mirrors (2008)

Director: Alexander Aja
Release Date: August 15, 2008
Genre: Horror / Mystery / Thriller
MPAA: Rated R
20th Century Fox

The ORB's take:
Surprisingly decent, worth a dvd rental.

Movie Review:
A remake of a 2003 Korean horror film Geoul Sokeuro, this flick is actually somewhat entertaining. Kiefer Sutherland, aka Jack Bauer plays an ex-cop who has marital problems and lives with his sister. He takes a job as a night watchman at an adandoned downtown retail store. While walking throughout the store on his shift he finds out there is something mysterious in the building and it uses the mirrors to haunt its victims. Unlike most typical horror films this one actually has a plot and allows you to stay focused throughout the movie, instead of just waiting for the next victim to get hacked. This movie will make you jump, and you will definately make you think twice about looking in the mirror at night right before you go to bed. Its worth a rental and a watch!

What to Watch For: What you see in the mirror isn't always what the mirror wants you to see.

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The Sixth Sense

Official Mirrors Site

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Comatose Tour 2009

Tour: Comatose Tour 2009
Artist: Skillet • Disciple • Decyfer Down
Concert Type: Rock
Tour Date: April 17, 2009

The Orb's Take:
Pure Rock from the opening band to the final power chord!!

Concert Review:
First things FIRST! Whenever I go to a concert my first thought after the concert was it worth my money. And the answer is YES, YES, and YES! A band out of North Carolina that goes by the name Decypher Down opened up the show with heavy rock guitars and melodic vocals. TJ Harris's (Decypher Down) vocals reminded me of Sebastian Bach, with loud, smooth rock sounding vox. Down's original line-up consists of four members, so I was taken back when I saw five members on stage; after looking closer I realized it was Kevin (Lead vocalist) of Disciple playing bass proving he can still run around stage and get the crowd into it. The band Disciple was second in the line-up proving they are more than worthy to be opening up for a very notable band such as Skillet. High energy, hard rocking guitar tones, complex guitar solos, heavy drums, and a melodic / rap / scream / intensity that is all his own vocal style of Kevin Young, brought the house down and prepared the crowd for Skillet. Closing the night, Skillet came on the stage to rocking strings from a violinst they brought with them for the tour. If you have never seen a violinist live with a rock band before it is something you need to witness. It enhanced their already great live show to another level. Skillet brings with them a great light show and gives you a great Rock n Roll show. Interweaving samples, electronic sounds, harmonizing vocals, and intense guitar sounds throughout the live show there is never a time you want to take your eyes off the stage. An added bonus to Skillet's band is a female drummer that hits harder than most dudes I have seen. Check out the tour dates on Skillet's MySpace page, if they are coming close to you, do yourself a favor and check them will not be dissapointed.

What to Watch for: Disciple's high energy show, Skillet's violinist and drummer, Decypher Down's special guest bassist and power lead vocals.

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Nine Inch Nails
Motley Crue

Official Skillet website
Skillet MySpace Page
Disciple MySpace Page
Decypher Down MySpace Page

Monday, April 13, 2009

Knowing (2009)

Director: Alex Proyas
Release Date: March 20, 2009
Genre: Mystery / Action / Thriller
MPAA: Rated PG-13
Escape Artists

The ORB's take:
Knowing what I know now about Knowing they should have paid me for watching this trash.

Movie Review:
I knew that before the end of this film it was going to be hard to give it one star let alone a half. Believe it or not this is not Nicolas Cage's fault, it was the script. This movie tries to turn this sci-fi wanna be into a scary on-the-edge of your seat type of movie, but fails miserably. Lack of suspense, and lack of disasters is what this flick needed to improve its worth to be called a theatrical film and not a made-for-tv movie. The first 5 minutes shows promise, but then quickly makes you want to run out of the theater and sneak into Hannah Montana. SPOILER ALERT!!! (more like I am saving you from wasting your time alert) - Don't read if you really want to watch this film. The movie starts when a time capsule from an elementary school is dug up 50 years later at Nicholas Cage's son's school. His son's class gets to see the many drawings inside of the capsule and the one his son gets is a page filled with random numbers on it. Nicholas Cage looks at the drawing and figures out it is a pattern that tells the dates and locations of disasters that have taken place and that are going to take place. As he runs around trying to warn people about some disaster that is going to happen, we find out there are aliens whispering into his son's ear. They tell him what is going to happen and they were the ones whispering the numbers into the ear of the young elementary student that wrote the numbers down that predict the future 50 years earlier. If that's not enough to prove to you this flick is a waste of time, the aliens take the kids (from multiple places all over the earth) and drop them off on some planet to start over, because the earth gets burnt up by a solar flare from the sun. Remember when you waited to see the movie The Core until TNT or TBS aired it, and even then you changed the channel.......I'd advise you to do the same with Knowing as well.

What to Watch For: The only exciting thing in this movie, the disasters / crashes.

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The Number 23
War of the Worlds
The Day After Tomorrow

Official Knowing Site

Saturday, April 4, 2009

Fast and Furious (2009)

Director: Justin Lin
Release Date: April 3, 2009
Genre: Action
MPAA: Rated PG-13

The ORB's take:
What I wanted and expected.

Movie Review:
Original cast plus New cars equals a "The Fast and the Furious" sequel that should have been. This movie is as good as, if not better than, the first installment. Of course you get what you expect in this type of movie; shallow plot line, fast cars, bad acting, and lots of action. This is not a movie you go to and expect to walk out feeling like you saw a thought provoking experience, this is a movie you walk out of and you want to jump into your car and drive fast. They definitely stepped up the action in this film compared to the first one. They added more muscle cars and less focus on the street racing cars you witnessed in the first "The Fast and the Furious". The return of Vin Diesel and Paul Walker made this movie the true sequel that the second and third installments of "The Fast And The Furious" didn't give us. Brian Spooner (Paul Walker) is back in the FBI where he is suppose to be, chasing down a drug lord and racing and working side by side with Dom (Vin Diesel). Of course this movie still proves that Paul Walker can't act, but that's not why you watch this flick. From the opening scene to the closing scene, this movie is filled with non-stop action. If you liked the first "The Fast And The Furious" you will not be disappointed.

What to Watch For: New cars, Original cast

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The Fast and the Furious
Miami Vice

Official Fast and Furious Site

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Phil Wing: To Find You (EP)

Artist: Phil Wing
Label: Indie
Album Type: Acoustic Worship
Released: February 2009

The Orb's Take:
When you listen you feel like your in the room with him praising the One that gave him the talents.

Album Review:
An acoustic worship album done correctly, are the first words that came out of my mouth after listening to this EP. The artist / writer really recognized the importance of a true worship album isn't just creating great music, but taking your listener to the throne room of God. You will not be able to listen to a tune without singing along by song's end. Phil's vocals convey passion and truth that draws you into all seven songs; making you want to hit repeat on the song you just listened to again and again before going on the next. I say to the artist, "Well done!", but in the same breath I also say "We need more than seven songs". To top off the great delivery accomplished with this album, every cent goes to bringing home his family's newly adopted child home from Ethiopia. Warning! If you listen to this album in your car, be aware that you may not be able to contain yourself from raising you hands and praising God. Do yourself a favor and find a place where you can get this album, you will be pleased, encouraged, and blessed.

What to Listen to: "You Do Great Things", "You Say"
Howie Day
David Crowder Band
Phil Whickham

Official Phil Wing website
Phil Wing MySpace Page